Herter Park

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  • #634 Reply

    Starting a thread here for feedback on the Herter Park lot on Soldier’s Field Road in Brighton.

    I’ve used this location intermittently to park and ride to the Kendall Square area. Seems like the best locations for those coming from the west and heading into Boston / East Cambridge. You can stay on protected bike paths along the river for most of the ride to either area.

    #641 Reply

    Though watch out for the geese on the river path between the parking lot and the road underpass heading towards Harvard Sq – if they are occupying or crossing the path a bell or shouting will not move them so don’t try riding through! Also beware of their slippery droppings on the path.

    #643 Reply

    Ha, this just made me smile. I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. These geese really couldn’t care less about cyclists/ pedestrians 😀 Too funny.

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