⚡ E-bike rentals are now available at select locations: Visit our sister site parkandpedal.COM for more information. Learn more >>
⚡ E-bike rentals now available at select locations: Visit parkandpedal.COM for more info. Learn more >>
Tired of Sitting in Traffic?
Park&Pedal is a network of parking stations conveniently located cycling distance from your city’s employment centers, allowing you to park your car in a designated spot, and pedal a bike to work, avoiding “last-mile” congestion and parking in the city.

Park in a designated Park&Pedal station located cycling distance from employment centers.

Pedal to your final destination, avoiding traffic and costly downtown parking.

Save money on gas and parking, save time by avoiding traffic, and save the planet with less emissions.
Parking Passes
Some Park & Pedal sites on the locator include the note “Display Parking Pass”. When utilizing these sites, please visit parkandpedal.org/parking-passes/, print the pass found there, and display it on your vehicle dashboard.
“The Park&Pedal Commuter Network serves as an excellent example of state government working with private partners to meet the needs of the public. By expanding this unique multi-modal system, commuters will benefit greatly by not only alleviating traffic congestion, but will also encourage healthy active lifestyles.”
“This initiative is an example of how we can work across executive agencies and bring new thinking to our existing transportation assets, and create new, multi-modal connections that promote healthy commuting through cycling, and has the potential to alleviate highway congestion, while decreasing greenhouse gases.”
“The Park&Pedal program will provide a unique, outdoor recreational opportunity for Massachusetts citizens to incorporate in their daily lives while commuting to work. The results of such partnerships, like the one between DCR and Montague Bikes, will have lasting effects on thousands of people for years to come.”
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