The Arsenal Mall shopping center in Watertown has signed on as our first retail provider of Park & Pedal parking spaces. Located just west of Boston, it’s a perfect location for commuters to get out of their car and ride their bike along the Charles river into downtown Boston or Cambridge.


Towards the front of the shopping centers parking lot is a row of spaces dedicated as preferred parking for Park & Pedal commuters. The Arsenal Project sees this not only as a great opportunity to help the environment by getting cars off the road, but also good for business. Their lots are underutilized from 9-5 on weekdays, and having cyclists stopping by on a daily basis can increase retail traffic!


The Arsenal Mall also hosts Food Truck Wednesdays in their lot every week during the summer. If you stop by between 11am and 2pm, you’ll find 5 of Boston’s tastiest food trucks, a live band, and even a chance to win free lunch. We stopped by last week to promote Park & Pedal at the Arsenall Mall and a had a great time enjoying the day’s festivities!

Arsenal-Food-Trucks-Panorama-smThe calm before the storm… food trucks setting up!





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